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Here's a list of all the songs you can play using the BeatBuddy and/or BeatBuddy MINI 2. Search for a song/artist and then use the "Beat" column to find the beat that most closely aligns to the song's drum track. The BPM column lists the tempo you should set your BeatBuddy or BeatBuddy MINI 2 to, and the source column indicates if the beat is part of the default content our premium library. Generally speaking, default content can get you into the ballpark of a song, coming pretty close to the real deal while the Premium Library offers a meticulously crafted rendition of the songs drums. Learn more about the BeatBuddy and other music gear at
Song Title | Song Artist | Beat | BPM | Source | Genre |
Virtual Insanity | Jamiroquai | BeatBuddy: Funk 7- swung BeatBuddy Mini: Funk 4 BeatBuddy Mini 2: Funk 7- swung | 92 | Default Library | Funk |